Tuesday 4 October 2016

Production Schedule

  • We will start filming on the 6th of October, therefore it is necessary to get our costumes sorted before this. They are already available, but to make them easily accessible we will be committed to our planned filming dates.
  • Our group don't need permission to film in locations because our music video is going to be recorded in public places or in group members homes. This makes our filming more flexible as if someone suddenly can't make it, we can reorganise without contacting any outside source e.g. the owner of a building. 
  • On the 7th and 8th of October we will complete our filming at the skate park and woods. These locations are very close to each other, so we could potentially get both done on the same day if shooting goes well. The shots for this are mainly long shots to show isolation, as well as a variety of close ups to illustrate the actors feelings and reactions to events. 
  • At every shoot we will need all crew members (Ryan, Joe and Rory) as we don't require any additional help from outside the group, and we need the cameraman, actor, director and producer at every shoot in order for filming to be as efficient as possible. 
  • On the 9th of October we will be recording the scenes in the bedroom and the dark beaten up room as they are at the same location and the shots aren't too difficult (over-the-shoulder shot, point of view shot and close up as examples). 
  • The 10th will consist of us filming at some shops to show our actor going about their every day life. Afterwards, we will review our footage and decide if we need to do any pick up scenes. yet again we will incorporate a variety of close ups and long shots to demonstrate isolation and emotion of the actor.  

  • Pickup scenes will be shot on the 11th once we decide which scenes need to be re shot.  

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