Skate park
- Our audience may be interested in this location because many hip hop artists including Earl Sweatshirt skate.
- Connotations of hip-hop are elements of street art such as graffiti and creativity which is what artists strive to present to the world.
- Urban culture is represented here, and if it is being applied to hip-hop then it is more accurately street culture e.g. skate boarding, street art and streetwear. The majority of our questionnaire participants stated they would like to see an urban/suburban setting, making this even more applicable.
- Hip-hop artists also wear skate boarding/street wear brands e.g. Palace, Supreme, Thrasher etc.
- Not all hip-hop artists like skate boarding or wear its brands so it isn't 100% accurate.
- It is an outside location, therefore bad weather could delay our filming.
- The debris in some of the shots isn't aesthetically pleasing.
This location is relevant to our concept because it will be able to effectively show our actor being lonely, which is one of our intentions. Hip-hop also originated on the street, which is where skate boarding occurs too. In addition to this existing hip hop artists associate themselves with the sport. More specifically, the artist in question, Earl Sweatshirt, is a skateboarder too. Finally, our audience might also like skateboarding as a hobby too. Despite this, it isn't guaranteed that they like skate boarding, but they might like street art.
Bed room
- Accurately represents the life of someone who takes an interest in hip-hop.
- Can manipulate lighting to our intentions due to it being in a controlled setting.
- Features brands of companies who sell hop-hip cultured clothing e.g. Supreme, The Hundreds, Carhartt , Vans etc.
- On the walls, skating posters are clearly visible. Skating is a part of our music video due to its relation to hip-hop, hence it is necessary to create a realistic correlation between the actors room and hobbies.
- Has a teenage/young adult look to it due to how much the room is decorated in hip-hop related aspects, thus positively reflecting our target audience.
- Having 4 walls surrounding your set limits the movement you can perform in that space.
- The woods can be an intimidating place, which precisely reflects the emotions of our actor at that time.
- Earl Sweatshirt falls under a diverse sub genre of hip-hop, therefore it seems necessary to be diverse in our location selection too. A spooky location fits in well with a slow tempo and beat too.
- It's location is helpfully situated next to the skate park, enabling us to efficiently film two scenes from our video with less hassle. We could even make it more fluent by keeping the camera rolling as the actors transition from one location to the other.
- Some may argue that every aspect of the video has to be related to hip-hop, as the woods don't really have a direct link to hip-hop.
- Weather implications can prevent us filming on our desired day.
- There is a limit to how much the lighting can be manipulated.
This location is appropriate for our concept due to their connection with one another. The lyrics, pace and beat to 'HIVE' are quite mellow and a spooky back ground will fit well with these features. People expose their emotions most when they are intimidated, and hopefully this scene from the music video will trigger the emotional response that we are aiming for. In case of undesirable conditions, we will have to delay our shooting because there isn't an alternative to some woods because of how unique they are. Although, we could carry out the shoot anyway as the rain and bad weather will positively contribute to the scene, providing the quality of the image is not disturbed.
Dark building
- Has similar connotations to the woods in relation to it being a spooky and intimidating place which accurately correlates to the beat and tempo.
- Will contribute to the scary atmosphere that is being depicted in the video.
- It is inside, therefore, weather implications cannot negatively effect our filming.
- Nevertheless, 'Hive' is quite a diverse sub genre of hip-hop so it seems necessary too be diverse in our presentation of the song.
- Dark room so will need to specifically manipulate lighting with professional effect.
- As again, with the woods, it could be argued that this has no relevance to hip-hop.
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